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3 - What risks do schools take by not offering autism / neurodiversity training for their non-special education faculty and staff?

-Staff may not be prepared for certain scenarios they may encounter in the hallways, the playgrounds, or their own classrooms, with neurodiverse students.

-Staff my inadvertently speak to neurodiverse students or their parents / families in hurtful or offensive ways.

-Staff may inadvertently treat neurodiverse students in a hurtful or harmful way.

-Staff may inadvertently treat neurodiverse students differently from their neurotypical peers, or may make them feel less than or alienated.

-Staff may not know how to accurately speak to neurotypical children about their neurodiverse peers.

-Staff may teach inaccurate or ableist information about autism and neurodiversity to their neurotypical students.

-Staff may not be able to recognize neurodiversity within their general education classes and students.

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