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6 - What favorable transformational shifts can occur when there is autism / neurodiversity information provided to parents of neurotypical students? And what does this information look like?

-Parents are given tools to speak to their children appropriately and respectfully about neurodiversity.

-Parents can feel confident they are offering correct information when answering their children's questions about neurodiversity.

-Some parents may recognize certain neurodiverse traits in their own children and would then be able to provide them with beneficial resources.

-Parents are comfortable and even eager to place their child in a classroom with neurodiverse students.

-Parents feel more comfortable speaking to teachers and other parents about the subject of neurodiversity or about situations that may arise regarding neurodiverse students within the classroom.

-This information can be provided during information sessions through the school's PTA or SEPTA, through informational pages sent home in backpacks, on the school's website, and more.
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